1. You have said that toys having animated pictures eg. teddy bear; are not allowed. I have heard that hadrath aisha(ra) played with a doll when she was small. Is this incident true? If yes then are dolls allowed. 2. Can the dead see women naked? (If they visit the grave with hijaab and are old also) 3. I wanted to know from where and when did the Jews originate. Also could you please tell me whom they worship and there place of worship. Also i have heard that jews eat halal food and that a muslim can eat/buy food from them(quite surprising to me, i think they might ziba the animal but they dont sacrifice it in the name of Allah). is this all true. 4.What is the difference between deobandis, wahabis and barelvies in the indian subcontinent.Please give a detailed reply to this and how did they originate.
1)It is not permissible to play with any such toys that have animated pictures on them e.g. teddy bears etc.
Aysha (Radhiallaahu Anha) narrates that “Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) never left any Tasaaleeb (pictures of living objects) in his house except that he broke them.” (Bukharee. Mishkaat, Hadeeth 4285, Page 385)
It will not be permissible to justify keeping a teddy bear by saying that Aysha (Radhiallaahu Anhu) had one too until one cannot specify how it was and from what it was made, and weather it had any features or not. However if any such toys do have features such as eyes, mouth, nose, hands and feet etc. of a living object, then it will not be permissible to keep them or play with them. (Fatawaa Mahmoodiyah Vol.14 Page.400, Aap ke Masaail Aur Unka Hal Vol.7 Page68-69)
2)We do not find any text proofing that a dead person can see people naked. However, a young woman should not attend the graveyard at any time and a elderly woman is only allowed to attend a graveyard if there is no fear of her breaking any shar’i laws. (Raddul Muhtaar Vol.1 Page.665, Aap ke Masaail Aur Unka Hal Vol.3 Page.173)
3) The Jews are of the progeny of “YAHOODA” who was the younger son of Yacoob (Alayhis salaam). After the demise of Suleiman (Alayhis salaam), his kingdom was split into two parts. The progeny of Yahooda took over one part of the kingdom which was later named “Yahoodiyya”. After fighting amongst them selves all the other Israeli tribes were destroyed, only the progeny of Yahooda and Binyamin (Also the son of Yacoob (Alayhis salaam) existed. The progeny of Binyamin was called Yahood due to their small number compared to the progeny of Yahooda. The Jews worship god and regard Moosa (Alayhis salaam) as their prophet, but the do not believe in the prophet hood of Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam). Their place of worship is known as a synagogue. (Yahoodi Protocols Page.16-17) It is true that the slaughtered animal of a Jew is halaal for a Muslim. However, there are two important points that have to be found first. Firstly, the so called Jew is a Jew in its true sense and he/she also practises the religion and also believes that Moosa (Alayhis salaam) was a Prophet. Secondly, the Jew slaughtered the animal with the name of Allah. (Raddul Muhtaar Vol.5 Page.607, Aap Ke Masaail Aur Unka Hal Vol.4 Page.217-218)
4. DEOBANDIYYAT:- In India the Islamic Knowledge spread through Shah Wally-ul-Allah (R.A.) and his children. Amongst all the students who studied under them were, Moulana Qasim Nanawtwee (R.A.), Moulana Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi (R.A.) and Moulana Yacoob Nanawtwee (R.A.). These student who later became great Ulama, founded an institution in U.P, Saharan poor, in a place named Deoband. Those who qualified in this institution or they share the same views as them or they are spiritually connected to them are known as deobandies.
They are all Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaa’ah and follow the Hanafi school of thought. The distinguishing is factors of these Ulama are that they make Tash’reeh (explain) the Qur’aan, Hadeeth and Fiqh according to the method of the pious predecessors. They do not get affected by the conditions around them, rather, they tackle all the innovations and non-Islamic customs that have penetrated into the masses and try to eradicate them. They also strive to revive the Sunnah and they challenge and stand firm against any group that supports false hood and evil.’
BARAILWIYYAT:- Barailwis are also Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaa’ah and they too follow the Hanafi School of thought. This group is connected to an institution in a place called Barailee. There respected Alim is Moulana Ahmad Radaa Khan Sahib. He also opposed some innovations but practically took part in them. He did not play a big role in trying to eradicate the innovations; rather, he merely claimed to have love for Allah and Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) and the pious saints. He went so deep in this that he finally uttered such things which were not permissible and were against the Islamic believes e.g. Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) is the knower of the unseen and he is Mukhtar’e Kul (he had the authority and rights to do what ever he desired) , He use to present himself at the graves of the pious saints and take vows on there names and so on. When the Ulama of Deoband stood up against them in these matters, the Barailwees labelled them as the enemies of Allah and his Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam), and sometimes labelled them as the “WAHABEES”.
WAHHAABIYYAT:- Approximately 100 years back the deeni condition in Saudi Arabia was not too good. There was lack of education and non-shar’i practices were widespread. Innovations and customs were practiced with great emphasise, very high graves were constructed and tawaaf was performed around them etc. In order to eradicate theses innovations and non-shar’i practices, a reformer by the name of Sheikh Abdul Wahhab Najdee (who was from a place named “najd” in Saudi Arabia) started the work of reformation by forming a group and advising people and also by using force at times. This group demolished all the highly constructed graves and levelled them with ground and also apposed the innovations and non-Islamic. This group is known as the “Wahhabees”. India also became the targets of these innovations and customs. Ulamae Haq, who are the Ulama of Deoband, started apposing theses innovations and customs. Also, theses were the same Ulama who fought against the British. In order to instil enmity in the hearts of the masses of Indo-Pak for the Ulama of Deoband, the British labelled these Ulama as the Wahhabees.
This was done so that the masses can reject and loose contact with the Ulama just as how the Saudi’s rejected the Wahhabee group of Ulama. One should note that we (the Ulama of Deoband) do not agree in total with the beliefs and actions of Sheikh Abdul Wahhaab Najdee. I have given you brief description of each of the groups. If you require further information, then you should refer to the book “IKHTILAAFE UMMAT AUR SIRAATE MUSTAQEEM” of Moulana Yusuf Ludhyaanwe (R.A.) and “RAAHE SUNNAT” of Moulana Sarfaraaz Safder (R.A.) and “AQAAID ULAME DEOBAND” of Moulana Abdushakur Tirmizi (R.A.).
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Muhammad Ashraf Darul Ifta – Jameah Mahmoodiya, Springs