I was spending last week-end in khuruj (our monthly one). While I was in deep sleep at night, I felt something very heavy pressing against my whole body. My throat was blocked so I couldn’t scream and my sleep did break neither. This has happened to me before, and my sub-conscious started reciting ayat-ul-kursi. However on this occasion, I couldn’t recite anything. Does that mean I have gone into kufr and I am no longer a Muslim? How do I know that I am a true Muslim and not a munafik? Also please explain to me what could this be? Can be a jinn?
This dream is a clear sign of your Imaan.
The Shaytaan only troubles those who have faith and Imaan. If you did not have Imaan, Shaytaan would never come by you.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai