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Answers with Tag: friends

Will Women Be Lonely In Paradise?

Mortgage and Islam

Can a Muslim be an Official Witness to a Non Muslim Marriage?

Misyār Marriage and Its Validity

Trouble Understanding Destiny and Life’s Difficulties

Selling my Guitar and Donating the Amount in Charity

What should a son do if his father oppressed him and his family, but now asks for financial support in old age?

How can one celebrate the birth of a child without having a birthday party, as per Islamic teachings?

Is it permissible for the husband to stay outside the house at night while the wife is there?

Is Pay Diamond Company Business permissible in Islam?

Is it a sin to have voted for the P.T.A. in 2018, given allegations against the prime minister’s past?

Can I perform Maghrib Salah while driving without proper seclusion?

Selling to International Customers

Shaving the Hair in Umrah

What Will Be the Procedure for Khula From a Husband Who Is Not Fulfilling His Rights?