Is it wrong for a woman to sleep nude, if she lives only with her husband, and is completely covered with sheets the entire night? Also, what is the correct way for a woman to do Sajdah? where should the legs be (to the side or under her) and should the toes be facing the direction of the qibla? Jazak Allah Khair
1. Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said that, ‘Verily Hayaa (modesty) is
part of Imaan.’ In principle, if a person sleeps naked covered with a sheet,
it is permissible. However, some types of inner garments should be worn.
2. Kindly refer below – Salaat of a woman.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
for: Mufti Ebrahim Desai
CHECKED AND APPROVED: Mufti Muhammad Kadwa
18 – The Salaat of Women
In the Shariat, although certain forms of Ibaadat (worship) are done both by
men and women, yet the manner in which these forms of Ibaadat are fulfilled
differ. This is especially apparent in Salaat. Many postures of the Salaat
of women differ to that of men in order to maintain the very important
principle of modesty and concealment. Many narrations substantiate this
Hadhrat Abdullah bin Umar (Radhiallaahu Anhu) reports that Rasulullah
(Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: “When a woman sits in Salaat, she should
place the thighs (of one leg) upon the other and when she makes sajdah, she
should attach her belly to her thigh so that it is as concealing as
possible. For indeed Allah Ta’ala looks at her saying: ‘O my angels I make
you witness that I have indeed forgiven her’.” (Baihaqi Vol.2 Pg.223)
Waail bin Hujr (Radhiallaahu Anhu) says that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi
Wasallam) said: “O Waail, when you commence the Salaat, lift your hands in
line with your ears and women should (only) lift it in line with the chest
(shoulders).” (Kanzul Umaal Vol.7 Pg.307)
In another narration, it is stated that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi
Wasallam) passed by two women who were performing Salaat. He said: “When you
make sajdah, attach your body to the ground. Indeed women are not like men
in this matter.” (i.e. they differ in the posture of sajdah). (Maraasil of
Imaam Abu Dawood (R.A))
The Imaams of all four Mazaahib (schools of thought) attest to the
differences between the Salaat of men and women.
Thus, we will now discuss a few aspects pertaining exclusively to the Salaat
of women.
* Before commencing the Salaat, a woman must ensure that besides her face
and wrists, all other parts of her body should be concealed. Some women
perform Salaat with their hair exposed, others with their ears exposed,
while the forearms of others are completely open. Some wear such a thin
(see-through) burqa’ (head covering) that the hair can be seen through it.
All this is incorrect and not permissible
* If any limb, besides the face and wrists are exposed for the duration it
takes to read thrice, the Salaat will be rendered null and void. If it is
exposed less than that, the Salaat will be valid. However it will be makrooh
and she will be sinful.
* It is best for women to perform Salaat in a place that is most concealing.
Thus to perform Salaat in an inner room of the house will be better than
performing it in the front room or lounge etc. Similarly performing the
Salaat in the lounge will be preferred to performing it in the courtyard of
the house.
* Whilst saying the Takbeer-a-Tahrima (Allahu Akbar), women will only lift
their hands till the shoulders and not till the ears like men. They will
lift the hands under the burqa (veil). They should not take their hands out
of the burqa.
* Women will put their hands on the chest by placing the palm of the right
hand over the back of the left wrist. The fingers should be kept close
together. Women will not adopt the method of men in placing of the hands.
(Tahtawi Pg.141)
* Women should stand with both feet close together. There should be no gap
between the two feet. In ruku also, the same position of the feet should be
maintained. (Bahishti Zewar & Mufti Taqi Uthmani)
* First make the intention, then say Allahu Akbar. Thereafter place the
hands on the chest. Then read Thanaa, A’uzu, and Bismillah after which you
will commence with Surah Fateha. On completing Surah Fateha, say A’meen.
After that, read Bismillah again and read a Surah. After completing the
Surah, say Allahu Akbar and go into ruku.
* A woman should only bend so much in ruku that she is able to place the
hands on the knees. Women will not make ruku like men by straightening the
back. Their bending for ruku should be less than that of men. Place both
hands on the knees while keeping the fingers closed together. Do not spread
the fingers apart. (Tahtawi Pg.141 & Bahishti Zewar)
* Keep the forearms close to the sides and keep the ankles together in ruku.
* In ruku, women will not keep the feet completely upright, but rather they
will bend the knees slightly forward. (Shaami & Mufti Taqi Uthmani)
* Read three or five times in ruku. Ensure that the ‘dh’ is pronounced
* After saying , lift the head and stand with ease and read or
* Sahih Muslim
* Women will make sajdah in such a way that the belly will touch the thighs
and the forearms will touch the sides. The forearms will be placed on the
ground. Bahishti Zewar
* Place the head between the hands in sajdah. Place the forehead and the
nose on the ground. The fingers should be kept close together, facing the
Qibla. The thumb should also face the Qibla.
* In sajdah both feet will be placed on the ground facing the right. The
feet should not be kept upright. However, the toes should face the Qibla.
should be read three or five times.
* Thereafter say Allahu Akbar and sit with ease. Sit on the left posterior
with both feet protruding to the right. Place the right thigh on the left
thigh and the right shin on the left one. (Tahtawi Bahishti Zewar)
* Place both hands on the thighs with the fingers closed together. This is
the method for women. In ruku, sajdah and qa’adah, the fingers will be kept
close together without any gap in between, while the law for men is that in
ruku they will keep the fingers apart and in sajdah they will keep it closed
together. In all the other postures, the fingers will be kept in their
natural position.
* In jalsah the following duaa should be read, whether performing a fardh,
sunnah or nafl Salaat.
Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) used to read this duaa. (Tirmizi &
Abu Dawood & Haakim)
* Thereafter the second sajdah should be made in the same manner as the
first sajdah was done. Thereafter stand up whilst saying Allahu Akbar. Do
not take support with the hands while standing up. Then read Bismillah and
Surah Fateha. Upon ending Surah Fateha, say A’ameen. Thereafter Bismillah
and a Surah will be read. (Behishti Zewar)
* Sit in the qa’adah posture after completing two raka’ats. The manner of
sitting is the same as that of jalsah. Read At-Tahiyat and when reaching
Ash-hadu-al laailaaha illallaahu, join the small and ring finger and and
attach their tips to the palms and form a ring with the middle finger and
the thumb. Lift the index finger, indicating to the oneness of Allah Ta’ala.
Drop the index finger when reaching illallaahu. However the other fingers
will remain as is
* If it is a Salaat of two raka’at, then maintain this posture till the end.
Read the Salawaat (durood) and duaa and thereafter make salaam. If it is a
Salaat of four raka’at, stand up immediately after completing the
* In the third and fourth raka’at also, read Bismillah before commencing
Surah Fateha. If it is a Fardh Salaat, go into ruku after completing Surah
Fateha. However in the Witr, Sunnat or Nafl Salaat one will read a Surah
after Surah Fateha.
* After completing the final qa’adah, say the salaam while turning the head
towards the right. Commence the salaam with the face in the direction of the
Qibla. Complete the salaam when the face is fully turned to the right. Then
bring the face back towards the Qibla and commence the second salaam from
there. Turn the face towards the left as you say the second salaam. Do not
commence the second salaam whilst the head is turned towards the right. Face
the Qibla, then commence the second salaam. Whilst making both the salaams,
make the intention of greeting the angels.
* It is Makrooh (reprehensible) for women to perform Salaat in jamaat
(congregation). They should perform their Salaat individually. However if
the Mahram males (i.e. those men with whom one cannot get married eg.
brothers, father, grandfather etc.) are performing Salaat with jamaat in the
house, a woman can join that jamaat. She will stand behind the men. She
should not stand in line with the men. (Mufti Taqi Uthmaani)
Women should read their five daily Salaat, Taraweeh and Witr Salaat
individually. It is Maakrooh Tahrimi for them to perform Salaat with jamaat.
(Shaami Vol.1 Pg.418 & Fataawa Rahimia Vol.1 Pg.347)
by Shaykhul Hadith Mawlana Fadhlur Rahmaan Azmi