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Answers with Tag: bleeding

Interpreting a dream

When to start salaat after menses?

Hadith about relation with a wife during her menses.

Regarding Menstrual bleeding

Does Fasting become void by using eye-drops?

I wish to remain in I’thikaf during this Ramadhan.

Is it permissible to recite Quran during menstrual cycle? And if she is teaching in a madresah, what are the rules and restrictions during this period?

Imam standing by the chest of the mayyit in Janazah Salaah

Is the Blood Discharged after a Miscarriage Nifaas?

Ruling on Praying While One’s Clothes are Soiled with Blood

Performing Two Voluntary Raka’s after Making Ghussl is an Act of Sunnah

Excused Person Going Early to Friday Prayer

When Bleeding Exceedsfifteen Days, a Woman should Rely on Quantity and Timing of Old Menses

Conditions that Make the Meat of Slaughtered Animal Lawful to Eat

Blood Resulting from Wounds doesn’t Invalidate Prayer