A woman leaves behind 3 sisters and the son of her deceased brother (nephew)
how will her estate be distributed ?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
- The Shariah ruling herein given is based specifically on the question posed and should be read in conjunction with the question.
- The Darul Iftaa bears no responsibility to any party who may or may not act on this answer and is being hereby exempted from loss or damage howsoever caused.
- This answer may not be used as evidence in any Court of Law without prior written consent of the Darul Iftaa
According to the Shariah Laws of Inheritance and Succession, the estate of the deceased will be distributed after burial expenses, paying of debts (if any), and fulfilling bequests (if any) from the remaining one-third after burial expenses and paying of debts.
In the inquired situation, we are advised the deceased was survived by three sisters and a nephew (brother’s son).
Accordingly, the estate will be divided into 9 equal shares as follows:
Heir |
Shares |
Percentage |
Sister 1 |
2 |
22.2% |
Sister 2 |
2 |
22.2% |
Sister 3 |
2 |
22.2% |
Nephew |
3 |
33.3% |
N.B. If the deceased was survived by a mother, father, husband, or any other heir, the above ruling will not apply.
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
AbdulMannan Nizami
Student Darul Iftaa
Chicago, IL, USA
Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.