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Combining Intentions in Prayer

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed

Is it permissible in our school to combine two intentions in a single prayer, e.g., making up a missed prayer and the sunnah of dhuhr? If not, which is better to pray?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Yes, it is permissible to do this in some prayers, these being:

  1. the prayer of greeting the mosque,
  2. the two rak‘ahs after circumambulation (Ar. tawaf),
  3. the two rak‘ahs of ihram,
  4. the post-wudu sunnah [m: prayer],
  5. the prayer of heedlessness (Ar. ghaflah), which is offered between maghrib and isha ([m: also known as salatul-awwabeen]),
  6. the guidance prayer (Ar. istikhara),
  7. the prayer of need (Ar. hajah),
  8. the zenith prayer (Ar. zawal),
  9. the prayer upon returning from a journey,
  10. the prayer before embarking upon a journey, and
  11. the prayer of repentance (Ar. tawbah).

It is permissible to combine all the above prayers in two units of prayer by intending them all. It is [m: also] permissible to combine all or some of the above with an obligatory prayer or an optional prayer, such as a ratibah [1] or the forenoon prayer (Ar. duha). However, it is not permissible to combine two obligatory prayers or an obligatory prayer with a ratibah, as mentioned in the question. Nor is it permissible to combine one ratibah with another, nor a ratibah with the forenoon prayer, witr, or taraweeh.

[m: As for whether a make-up prayer takes precedence over a ratibah, as posed in the question: if the make-up is an obligatory prayer, then it takes precedence.]

Amjad Rasheed
Amman, Jordan
(Translated by Moustafa Elqabbany)


[1] [m: The rawatib (pl. of ratibah) are the optional prayers connected with the obligatory prayers, such as the two rak‘ahs before fajr. They are listed in Reliance of the Traveller, f10.2.]

 السؤال : هل يجوز في مذهبنا أن نجمع بين نيتين في صلاة واحدة ، مثلا أن ننوي قضاء فائتة وسنة ظهر معاً مثلا ؟ إن لم يكن ذلك جائزاً فأيهما أولي أن تصلى ؟ الجواب : نعم يجوز ذلك في بعض الصلوات وهي : تحية المسجد ، وركعتا الطواف ، وركعتا الإحرام ، وسنة الوضوء ، وصلاة الغفلة التي تفعل بين المغرب والعشاء ، والاستخارة ، والحاجة ، والزوال ، والقدوم من السفر ، والخروج له ، وصلاة التوبة . فيجوز جمعُ هذه الصلوات كلها في ركعتين بنيتها ، ويجوز جمعُها كلُّها أو بعضُها مع الفرض والنفل كالرواتب والضحى . لكن لا يجوز جمعُ فرضين معاً ولا جمعُ فرضٍ وراتبةٍ كما في السؤال ، ولا راتبة وراتبة أخرى ، ولا راتبة وضحى ووتر وتراويح  .

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