Answered by Shaykh Ilyas Patel
Is it permissible to wear an under layer (i.e. regular socks) under one’s leather socks (khufayn) ?
Imam Ibn Nujaym mentioned in Bahr al Ra’iq, a central reference work in Hanafi fiqh, regarding wearing under socks as follows:
“One comes to know the permissibility of masah on leather socks which one wears over socks made of cotton or a broadcloth etc which are in themselves not permissible to do masah over.” (Taken from Ahsan al Fatawa, 2: 65)
Leather Boots: Q2. Is it permissible to do masah on leather boots, which cover your ankles? Can you please give me the Shafi’i position on this, if able to?
Ibn Abidin mentioned in Radd al Muhtaar that:
It says in Bahr quoting Miraaj that: “And it is permissible (to do masah) over boots (jaaruq) which are split from the top and has laces, strings to tighten it and close the split. Because of this it is like as if it has no split or tear. (Ibn Aabidin, Radd al Muhtaar, pg261,262 Vol.1)
Because all three conditions are met with in boots it would be permissible to do masah over them. However, because of either one is wearing shoes, or them getting dirty or bad respect, one should not perform salat with them without true need.The Shafi`i opinion mentioned in Reliance of the Traveller:
“No matter whether they (wiping foot gear) are of leather, felt, layers of rags, wood, or other; nor whether they have a cleavage laced up with eyelets (provided none of the foot shows). (Sh. Nuh Keller, Reliance of the Traveller, 69)
And Allah knows best.