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Dryness/discharge at the end of period.

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Fatwaa.com


I’m very confused concerning the ending of my period.

I tend to have 8 days where I see blood, and I usually have yellow discharge after that which I understand indicates continuation of my menses. I try to check my discharge twice in a day, at 12/1pm and 9/10pm. The reason I do this, is because I give time for my discharge to develop. Somedays it comes out more, and other days it’s less. I give time just incase my discharge were to be less because when this happens, it’s difficult to discern the colour of my discharge due to it’s small amount and the lighting around me.

So today I checked around 9/10pm, and I saw a little bit of yellow.

I try not to check after that(I wait and check until next day afternoon), because I assume that now I’ve already checked, my area may be dry and thus I would not be able to see anything. However, today I decided to randomly check at that time. And it was completely dry.

I’m now confused. Because I understand that dryness can also indicate the end of menses. But, I’m not sure if in my case the dryness was due to me already checking my discharge hours prior to that, or if it actually is due to my menses ending.

I have a feeling that I’ll wake up in the morning and see yellow discharge because I usually do. I usually end up doing ghusl at the end of the full 15 days because it’s common for me to see yellow discharge all the way till then.

I’m quite paranoid now. Because I’m not sure whether to begin Salah now or not. I am going to leave Salah for now due to my confusion, and continue leaving it for as long as I see yellow discharge. Unless I am advised otherwise.

I get a lot of waswasa concerning my menses – like my mind tells me that I’m missing Salah due to laziness and not a legitimate reason. But I believe I’m just following what I am told. Because of the importance of Salah, and the affect this issue has on me, I’m rating it’s priority as ‘High’.

Please answer as soon as you are able to.

JazakAllahu Khayrun.


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

To begin with, it is important for us to highlight a few principles:

1) The maximum menstrual period is ten complete days. Any bleeding over and above ten days will be regarded as Istihaadhah.

2) If the spotting ceases within the ten days, it does not necessarily mean that the menstruation has terminated. If you spot again within the ten day period, that spotting should be added to the menstruation.

3) When white discharge dries up, at times it may appear as yellow. Hence, it would be best to see the discharge before it dries to determine the correct colour.

As for your present situation, if you spot again within the ten days, you should regard all the bleeding as Haidh. If you spot after 10 days, then the ruling will differ.

If it is the first time you are spotting more than ten days, then all the bleeding from your general habit (‘Aadah) will be Haidh, and the remaining days will be Istihaadah  (non-menstrual bleeding).

If you constantly see blood after ten days (from your question it seems that this is your case), your ‘Aadah will change to ten days, and the remaining will be Istihaadhah.

Once you work out your correct period of Haidh as per the above, you can then determine how many days are your Haidh (and hence you do not have to pray), and how many days are Istihaadhah (prayer is compulsory upon you).

As for your past prayers, since you were only making Ghusl after 15 days, you need to make Qadha for the 5 days which exceeded the maximum period of Haidh. Then, in light of the principles above you discover that your Haidh was terminating on the eighth day (example: the yellow which you were seeing was actually white which dried up), you will have to make up for those additional two days of each period as well.

A final point to note, Istihaadhah nullifies Wudhu. During Istiaadhah, a woman will perform wudhū for every salāh time and perform her salāh and observe fasts as well.

And Allaah Ta’aala knows best


Ismail Moosa (Mufti)


وأقل ما يكون الحيض ثلاثة أيام ولياليها, لا ينقص من ذلك شيئاً، وأكثر الحيض عشرة أيام ولياليها, لا يزيد على ذلك شيئاً.(الأصل للشيباني (2/5)

وأقلّه ثلاثة أيّامٍ وأكثره عشرةٌ وما نقص أو زاد استحاضةٌ (كنز الدقائق (ص: 149)

فنقول: أكثر الحيض عشرة أيام (المحيط البرهاني (1/ 209)

ودم الإستحاضة هو ما تراه المرأة أقل من ثلاثة أيام أو أكثر من عشرة أيام فحكمه حكم الرعاف الدائم: لا يمنع الصوم ولا الصلاة ولا الوطء. (مختصر القدوري (ص: 19)

ودم الاستحاضة كالرعاف الدائم لا يمنع الصوم ولا الصلاة ولا الوطء ” لقوله عليه الصلاة والسلام ” توضئي وصلي وإن قطر الدم على الحصير”      (الهداية (1/ 34)

[الاستحاضة وأحكامها]
وأما الاستحاضة فهي ما انتقص عن أقل الحيض، وما زاد على أكثر الحيض، والنفاس، ثم المستحاضة نوعان مبتدأة، وصاحبة عادة والمبتدأة نوعان مبتدأة بالحيض، ومبتدأة بالحبل، وصاحبة العادة نوعان صاحبة العادة في الحيض، وصاحبة العادة في النفاس.  (بدائع الصنائع (1/ 41)

وما تراه المرأة من الحمرة والصفرة والكدرة في أيام الحيض فهو حيض حتى ترى البياض الخالص (مختصر للقدوري (ص 119)

واعلم، أن الوان الحيض هي الحمرة والسواد فهما حيض إجماعا، وكذا الصفرة المشبعة في الأصح والخضرة والصفرة الضعيفة والكدرة والتربية عندنا،

[قال اللكهنوي] وبالجملة: كون هذه الألوان حيضا مختلفه فيه بين مشائخنا، والأصح عندنا هو كونها حيضا إذا كان في مدة الحيض (عمدة الرعاية علي شرح الوقاية، ( 1 / 518-520)

 وفي الغياثية: الصحيح أن الصفرة حيض (الفتاوى التاتارخانية، 1/ 474)

This answer was collected from Fatwaa.com which is an excellent Q&A site managed by Mufti Ismail Moosa from South Africa. .

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