a. If the number of people are less than 40 at Juma should a Shafi follower in a Hanafi area read Zuhr or say Juma with less than 40 in the jamaat? b. In fajr prayer what should the Shafi muqallid do when Hanafi imam does not recite the Dua al Qunut? c. If the Shafi muqallid is asked to recite the Iqamat in a Hanafi mosque should he recite all the verses once or twice? d. If all the followers and Imam is Hanafi followers should the Shafi follower recite Aameen loudly in Fajr, Magrib and Isha Salaat? e. Can a shafi follower follow all the rules of prayer/zakat/Haj according to shafi fiqh but follow the rules of business according to hanafi fiqh in view of the majority in community being ahnaf? f. could you reverify the email address of Dar al-`Ulum al-`Arabiyyah al-Islamiyyah is (mt_k@hotmail.com) ref: Q5331 as there seems to be no response from the email. Maybe I got it wrong.
1. He may follow the Imam in Jumu’ah, and perform Zuhr after Jumu’ah.
Alternatively, he may select as the basis of his practice the views of
Fuqaha of the madhhab such as al-Muzani and as-Suyuti, in whose opinion the
required number for Jumu’ah is 3, and not 40. In this case the performance
of Zuhr will not be necessary.
2. When following a Hanafi imam in Fajr salah, thereare two possibilities:
Either the imam makes qunut (for the sake of a nazilah) or he does not. In
both cases the Shafi’i muqtadi is required to make Sajdat as-Sahw according
to the carried view of the maddhab. Some fuqaha of the madhhab, like
al-Qaffal al-Marwazi, and later Jamal ad-Din al-Isnawi and as-Suyuti, hold
the view that Sajdat as-Sahw does not have to be made. It is permissible to
assume their view as the basis of one’s practice.
3. The fact that he is called upon to make the iqamah in a Hanafi masjid
does not oblige him to say the words of the iqamah twice. He can still say
them once in accordance with his madhhab.
4. Being in a Hanafi congregation has in itself no bearing upon the manner
in which the aameen is to be said. However, if a person fears that by acting
according to the teachings of his madhhab he will draw unwanted attention to
himself on account of the ignorance of the society or some of its members,
he will be well within his rights to say the aameen softly.
5. Yes it is permissible to follow the Shafi’i madhhab in general, and the
Hanafi madhhab in a specific field such as business and contracts.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Shaykh Taha Karaan
Shaafi’ee Madhab – Darul Uloom al-Arabiyya al-Islaamiyyah, Western Cape (SA)