Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed
Translated by Shaykh Hamza Karamali, SunniPath Academy Teacher
I used to work in a restaurant that sold both lawful and unlawful kinds of food. Am I obliged to give away everything that I earned from this job? Who should I give it to?
The money that you earn from this job is lawful, albeit of doubtful lawfulness. What this means is that you are not obligated to give the money away in charity. The only thing that is obligatory on you is to repent from the specific unlawful things that you did while on the job. One of the conditions of such a repentance is that you stop working in such a restaurant.
السؤال: عملت في مطعم يبيعُ الحلالَ والحرامَ فهل عليَّ أن أُخرجَ جميعَ ما كسبتُ من ذلك العمل من مالي؟ وإلى مَن يجبُ عليَّ أن أعطيه؟
الجواب: كسبُك من هذا العمل ملكٌ لك لكن فيه شُبْهةٌ، ولا يلزمُك إخراجُ مالك والتصدق به، وإنما الواجبُ عليك التوبةُ مخخمن العمل فيما فيه حرام، ومن مقتضيات التوبة تركُكَ العملَ في المطعم المذكور.