Can you please check Raddul muhtar Kitab aljihaad bab almurtad on Imam Haskafis saying مستحل الرقص where Allam shami (ibn abidin ) comments, it seems to me that he agrees with the sufi hadra (spirtual dancing in dhikr) can you confirm?
My second question is that its mentioned in Fadeela-e-Durud sharif by Mawlana Zakariya that among the recommeneded places of giving durud is during Iqama, so I want to know when exactly in Iqama is it at the beginning or at the end of Iqama?
My third question is that Ulama say that we have to obey the law of the land aslong they do not command us to do haram so how is it that car insurance has been made halal by the Ulama in the UK based on this if hijab was banned نعوذ بالله will we have to abide by this?
- I have checked the ibaarat on vol. 4, p. 259. What I understand is that Ibn Abideen has narrated from Bazzaziya the hurmat of raqs. That is the fatwa. Then he mentions Ibn Kamal Pasha’s version. We can categorise this into two things: One is unintentional raqs, where the listener gets into a feeling of ecstasy and gets out of control. This is what used to happen to some previous soofees who were muttabie sunnat. However, they would be sitting normally and listening, but when that wajd, haal came upon them they wouldn’t know what they were doing, and simaa’ does have a huge effect on the saami’. The second is when this is attempted, i.e. people get up from the beginning and try their utmost to bring that wajd upon them. This type of deliberate raqs is called tawaajud, which should be avoided. Maybe Ibn Kamal Pasha is talking about the first category; however, Bazzaziya’s fatwa is clearer and that is what should be put to the general public.
- Maybe during the shahadatayn, when “ash-hadu anna muhammadar-rasulullah” is said by the muezzin.
- The reason for allowing car insurance is not only abiding, but also the inconvenience caused after an accident, when one is chased by the police and has to pay.