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Answers with Tag: insurance

Car insurance scenarios

Working in a data centre

Receivable Financing and Brokerage

Home Financing in the U.S

Customer Support – Holiday Packages

Is Liability Insurance Allowed for a Muslim?

Is it allowed in Shari’ah for a family in Canada to receive life insurance benefits after the policy holder has passed away, as the family has no other source of income?

Is paying for mandatory health insurance in South Korea considered lawful or unlawful and what are its limitations?

Can the family of a deceased person in Canada who had life insurance take the amount from the insurance company as their sole means of livelihood?

What are the laws regarding interest and insurance in non-Islamic countries?

Claiming More Money Than You Have Already Contributed to Your Insurance Company

Taking a Mortgage Due to an Increase in Rent

Is Buying an Extended Warranty Halal or Haram?

Is It Permissible for Employees To Take Medical Insurance Services From Their Employers?

What Kind of Car Insurance Should One Take Bearing in Mind It Is Haraam?