As a Muslim Allahamdulillah, I believe that this world is temporary to live in and that permanent life will be after the judgment day, question is related to the matter and the current world itself, although science have advanced but it has never been able to find out that what matter is made of? We have discovered fundamental particles like atoms, electrons, quantum etc., but not the final particle in the end. So there is no end? what would be the last fundamental particle, so is it that everything is just information, I mean “we see things, because we believe”, is it that we may getting out perceptual inputs from something out of this space and time? and that this world is not here in reality but rather a simulation? Is this all God’s dream? and to support this intuition when God has to create something he said “Kun” meaning “hoja” and that thing comes into existence from no where, like a nail is made from iron, iron is needed, but God doesn’t need any matter to create any thing so is it a possibility that there is no matter?? Please enlighten me. (Pakistan)
There are two different things here, one is to be made of a matter and another is to be made without matter. Allah has created Adam from clay and created the clay by his order. The science says that this world and things are created from clay, but it does not know how that clay was created and Islam explains that. The clay was created by Allah and he is cable of doing whatever he wants, he wishes and things come to being, whether with material or without it. Science can go only as far as the matter, but not beyond it. But Islam says that Allah created matter and with that he created the rest of the things.
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