If it is raining during magrib, can we combine isha as well. If it is not allowed to pray, are we allowed to leave the masjid after we completing magrib. What is the hukm, if some amal is being performed by majority and to go against it. Like if the imam has started the isha are we allowed to leave the masjid.

Attending Friday Arabic Khutba is “wajib” mandatory. One has to try with all its means and precaution to Salaat cannot be completed before its time begins. For Muslims the people of Iman, salaat is FARDH with its specific time frame; therefore, reading salaat before its starting time is WRONG. Involving yourself in two wrong things is also a wrong. Read your maghrib salaat and go back to your home or to your specific destination, than read Isha Salaat in its time.
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