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Prayer with imam does not have wudu

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by ShariahBoard.org

Asalamu Alaikum 

I am in saudi arabia. In our masjid we have Humbli fiqqah imam and in fajar salat imam resting with his back while sitting and some time he sleeps and take short nap. At iqqamah he stands up for prayer and lead salat. Maybe it is acceptable in his madahab that wudu does not break with short nap while resting with his back but according to imam abu hanifa it breaks wudu and salat is not valid.

Please provide guidance what should musalli do to this salat.

JszzakAllah khair


Prayer with imam does not have wudu

الجواب والتوفیق من اللہ

If an imam of Maliki, Shafei or Humbali school of jurisprudence accommodates the payer validity rulings of a  Hanafi follower, it is allowed to pray behind that imam.

But if the imam is known for not accommodating specific Hanafi practices with regards to prayers, it is not allowed to pray behind that imam.

However, if the matter is in the state of doubt, it will become “makrooh tanzeehee”.

Per your mentioned situation, it is better to observe precaution.   

ان الا قتداء بالشافعی علی ثلثۃ اقسام الاول ان یعلم منہ الاحتیاط فی مذھب الحنفی فلا کراھۃ فی الاقتداء بہ الثانی ان یعلم منہ عدمہ فلا صحۃ لکن اختلفوا ھل یشترک ان یعلم منہ عدمہ فی خصوص ما یقتدی بہ اوفی الجملۃ صحیح فی النھایۃ الاول وغیرہ اختار الثانی  الثالث ان لایعلم شئیا فالکراھۃ ولا خصوصیۃ لمذھب  الشافعی بل اذا صلی حنفی خلف مخالف لمذھبہ فالحکم کذلک (بحر الرائق :۲/۴۷ ، باب الوتروالنوافل ) (فتاوی رحیمیہ :۴/۱۷۲)

فقط واللہ اعلم بالصواب


This answer was collected from Shariahboard.org. It was established under the supervision of the eminent faqih of our era, Hazrat Shah Mufti Mohammed Navalur Rahman damat barakatuhum.

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