Assalamualaikum wa-rahmatullah,
It has been mentioned in below mentioned paragraph.
I wanted to know If any person does for example wears turban in order to follow prophet, Will it be like Sunnah will he get rewards for it?
Is the Below mentioned Paragraph correct or it could be Sahih.
Please clarify with Authentic Hadith.
“The actions of the Prophet, Sallallaahu ‘alaiyhi Wasallam, were done for different purposes. There were actions which he, Sallallaahu ‘alaiyhi Wasallam, would do haphazardly. There are things he, Sallallaahu ‘alaiyhi Wasallam, would do because of the custom of that time. These actions were not done by the Prophet, Sallallaahu ‘alaiyhi Wasallam, for the purpose of Ibaadah. We too should not do these actions for Ibaadah – our intentions should match the intentions of the Prophet, Sallallaahu ‘alaiyhi Wasallam. The following are some examples:
At the time of the Prophet, Sallallaahu ‘alaiyhi Wasallam, the men used to have long hair – it was not done for the purpose of Ibaadah. So if anyone wants to
keep long hair today, it should not be done for Ibaadah.
The Prophet, Sallallaahu ‘alaiyhi Wasallam, used to open the top buttons of his shirt – this was because it was hot and not because for the purpose of Ibaadah.
The turban, at the time of the Prophet, Sallallaahu ‘alaiyhi Wasallam, was worn because it was the custom then.
Some Hadiths mention the Prophet, Sallallaahu ‘alaiyhi Wasallam, using a stick.
Again this was not done for the purpose of Ibaadah.
We should not follow these examples of the Prophet, Sallallaahu ‘alaiyhi Wasallam, for the purpose of Ibaadah.
How do we differentiate between the actions of the Prophet, Sallallaahu ‘alaiyhi Wasallam, which were done for the purpose of Ibaadah and those which were not?
The Scholars say if the Prophet, Sallallaahu ‘alaiyhi Wasallam, commanded us
to do an action or commanded us not to do something, then this is considered an Ibaadah. Or if the Prophet, Sallallaahu ‘alaiyhi Wasallam, mentioned that the
doer will receive certain rewards if an action is done, then it is an Ibaadah.
Or if the failure for doing a certain action would result in punishment,
then the action is an Ibaadah.”
Those actions which the Nabi of Allah (S.A.W.) regularly discharged as habits, such as eating, dressing and commencing with the right when combing the hair etc. are all part of Deen. Therefore, if any person adopts the habits of Nabi (S.A.W.), regarding them to be reward bearing and out of love for the Nabi of Allah, such as donning the turban or keeping hair like that of the Nabi (S.A.W.), will definitely be rewarded for carrying out an act of Ibaadah.
(Ad-Durrul Mukhtaar, Vol. 1, Page 76, Al-Bahrur Raaiq, Vol. 1, Page 28)
And Allah Ta’ala knows best
Mufti Muhammad Ashraf
Darul Iftaa
Jameah Mahmoodiyah
08 August 2005
02 Rajab 1426