Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Mahmoodiyah » Benefits of Eating Salt before Meals

Benefits of Eating Salt before Meals

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Mahmoodiyah


1.  What is the medical benefit of tasting salt?

2.  If a person thinks of tasting salt before eating as Sunnah then will it be Bid’ah?



1.          What has been mentioned in the books of Shari’ah encouraging the usage of salt before eating is not a ruling of the Shari’ah.  In fact, it is an advisable thing to do according to the Jurists.  It is because of this reason that we mentioned that it is done for some medical benefit.  We do not have any knowledge with regards to its benefits.  We do not have any knowledge with regards to its benefits.  We advise you to research some medical books but we understand this that it is beneficial for digesting the food and removing the poisonous effects of it too.

2.          It will not be known as Bid’ah if a normal person uses salt after listening to an ‘Aalim stating that the usage of salt is Sunnah.

Note:  The Ulamaa should take heed that when mentioning to people with regards to the usage of salt before eating that they should explain to them the Fiqhi concept too and not only mention the usage of it.

And Allah Ta’ala knows best

Mufti Muhammad Ashraf

Darul Iftaa

Jameah Mahmoodiyah


26 April 2004

05 Rabee’ul Awwal 1425

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