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Qadhaa Udhiyyah/Qurbaani

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Mahmoodiyah


Respected Mufti Saheb
 If a person has not performed Qurbani for a number of years and now  wishes to make Qadhaa, he will have to give the value.
I have two queries:
1. Would the value of today be taken into account or the value then?
2. If he takes today’s value, must he take the value of his country e.g. South Africa or can he take the value of Slaughtering it in India for example as it is much cheaper.?




1.      When discharging the Qadhaa Qurbani of the previous years, the value of the animal at the time of discharging it will be taken into account.  (Ahsanul Fataawaa, Vol. 7, page 533-534)


2.      The value of the place of ones residence will be taken into account.  However, if one is financially weak and also wishes to assist the needy in another country where the requirement is higher, then one can deputize someone to pay the equivalent value of the animal on his behalf in that particular country.  (Fataawaa Rahimiyyah, Vol. 2, page 85, Fataawaa Mahmoodiyah, Vol. 11, page 344)


And Allah Ta’ala knows best

Qasim bin Hashim Limbada

Attested to as correct by:

Mufti Muhammad Ashraf

Darul Iftaa

Jameah Mahmoodiyah


26 July 2004

08 Jumaadul Ukhraa 1425

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