Zaid was attracted towards a girl who was Christian, they both were in love, girl loved him she recited kalimah and wanted to be full Muslim. She also started hijab, covering her face and body completely by the grace of Allah. Zaid made her this. The mother of that Christian girl also tried to catch the attention of Zaid and Zaid did zina with the mother of that girl. Now Zaid is asking for forgiveness with Allah and pray regularly. The girl never knew that Zaid had sex with her mother, her mother also said she is sorry and does not blame Zaid for that act. Once Zaid said to the girl that he cannot marry her now. The girl was so heart broken that she ate pills to suicide but God saved her and she now is saying that if Zaid does not marry her she will do suicide. Zaid is very confused as he loves the girl and make her accept Islam. He is scared that if he leaves her she will die. Now Zaid has changed himself as he wears shalwar kamez and has full beard. He wants to marry that Christian girl and made her Muslim but can he marry her? If there is kaffarah he is willing to do those. Please reply as soon as possible please?
(Fatwa: 252/L=166/TL=1433)
After committing adultery with the mother, her daughter becomes haram for adulterer forever. Hence if Zaid committed adultery with the mother of that girl then now it shall be haram for Zaid to marry that girl.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband