i am a medical student.i am planning to nikah next year with a girl who is completing her education.at the time of nikah her two years wil be left& after that she will come to live with me that is rukhsati 2 years after nikah.now my question is can we meet & do sex during these 2 years?my next question is many people ask to me about contraception.is use of contraceptive methods allowed in islam?what about safe period method? jazakallah!
(Fatwa: 1695/1387/D=1430)
(1) Yes, you can meet and have sexual relation after nikah.
(2) It is against the will of Shariah to use contraceptive method without exigent need.
(3) Please, explain what you mean by safe period.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband