My husband divorced me. At the time of divorce I was living with my father. Does my husband still have to pay maintenance for my iddah?
My husband and I have one daughter together. He has not come to see her in seven years except for during a few short visits when we went to see him. He has not supported her financially except for a few occasions. He has taken no interest and has not even phoned. After divorce who has right to custody of child?
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
In order to answer your query with regards to the maintenance of your Iddah, Kindly inform us, when your husband issued you a divorce. Previously or now and also explain to us in what circumstances did the divorce take place.
1. However with regards to your child’s expenses, it is necessary for your husband to pay for all the expenses which are borne in order to bring up your child.
1.1 In principle the right of custody of a girl remains with the mother until she is of nine years of age, after this age, it is the right of the father to exercise the right of custody. Hence if he does not exercise his right he has waved and relinquished his right.
وإذا وقعت الفرقة ين الزوجين فالأم أحق بالولد لما روى أن امرأة قالت يا رسول الله إن ابني هذا كان بطني له وعاء وحجري له حواء وثديي له سقاء وزعم أبوه أنه ينزعه مني فقال عليه الصلاة والسلام أنت أحق به مالم تتزوجي ولأن الأم أشفق وأقدر على الحضانة …
والنفقة على الأب على ما نذكر ولا تجبر الأم عليه لأنها عست تعجز عن الحضانة.
(هدايه,مكتبه شركة علمية , ج2,ص434)
الأم أحق بالولد ولو سيئة السيرة معروفة بالفجور.
(الدر المختار,سعيد , ج3,ص556)
( والحاضنة ) أما أو غيرها ( أحق به ) أي بالغلام حتى يستغني عن النساء وقدر بسبع وبه يفتى لأنه الغالب
ولو اختلفا في سنه فإن أكل وشرب ولبس واستنجى وحده دفع إليه ولو جبرا وإلا لا ( والأم والجدة ) لأم أو لأب ( أحق بها ) بالصغيرة ( حتى تحيض ) أي تبلغ في ظاهر الرواية.
(الدر المختار,سعيد , ج3,ص566)
(Bahisti Zewar, Zam Zam Publishers, Vol 1, Pg 420,421)
And Allah knows best
Wassalaamu `alaykum
Ml. Luqman Hansrot,
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In’aamiyyah