I would like to know about the appearance of our Nabi (s.a.w.). What colour ?Imama, kufiyya (topi), jallabiyya did he wear? And can you please describe the pieces of clothing to me? Please provide authentic hadith insha-allah
The answer to your query requires a lot of elaboration and detail. We suggest you study 2 authentic books written in English on this subject:
1. Shamaail-e-Tirmidhi with the commentary Khasaail-e-Nabawiy by Shaykh Muhammad Zakariyyah
2. Turban, Topi, Kurta by Shaykh Fadhlur-Rahmaan Saheb
These books may be obtained from Madrasah Arabia Islaamiyyah, Azadville (mai786@hotmail.com)
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai