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Answers with Tag: forty days

Short tempered wife

Arrival after performing hajj and talaq

Spitting after consuming Haraam

Fleeing from an area with Ebola virus and Islamic guidelines on dealing with epidemics

Guarding the Muslim camp for forty days

‘Umar’s (radiyallahu ‘anhu) statement regarding guarding the Muslim camp

Eating a cake containing cannabis without having knowledge of its ingredients

When does a woman who just gave birth start counting her menstruation (Haidh) from? 

Is it necessary to stay at home for forty days after giving birth?

Acceptance of Salaah for 40 days after drinking alcohol

Severity of Regularly Missing Salaah

Giving charity and reading Quran for the deceased.

Cutting of nails.

A Common Conflict

What is the expected duration of Paak and Haiz/Nifas for this baby?