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1) How can I gain Ikhlas and Humility in my salaah as prescribed by Allah (SWT) ‘s beloved messenger Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam)?

1) illegitimate child – Can’t he become a hafiz or an alim and lead a respectable and pious life? 2) removing under-arm hair by laser treatment.

1)Is the sunnah way of praying to pray Fard in the mosque with congreation and pray sunnat/nafl at home?

Where do the souls go after death?

Is my job halal at a gas station that sells beer, wine etc?

If I have intercourse with my wife at night before going to sleep can I again have intercourse in the same night before doing ghusl after first intercourse?

Can Jumuah salāh be performed in a place where five times salāh do not take place?

Qurbani is fardh on my wife.  If I buy the animal for her (as a gift), will her obligation be discharged? Does she necessarily have to use her own money? She feels that she has to withdraw her own money?

Can a traveller who was robbed accept zakāt funds if he still has access to his bank account?

If you touch your private part does your wudhu break?

1-What is the significance (in terms of ajar) of doing every thing exactly same as what Rasool-Allah (SAW) did.

I have read the Fatwas on Sufism on your site- my question: Recently I had a discussion with a Sufi about Sufism. He stated that the four mathaabs of Islam were practicing Sufis.

I) Can a Husband and Wife Read Salaat/Namaaz together ii) and can they make their own Jamaat, whereby the Husband is the Imaam and the Wife is the Mussallee?

I discovered a website & magazine for ‘queer Muslims’. It shocked me that there are ‘queer Muslim’ leaders opening Mosques and teaching. Can anything be done about this?

Through petty issues my brother has decided to break ties with me.When asked if he wants to reconcile with me he said that he needs to take istikaar on this matter.Can istikaar be taken for this?