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Can a person who has not yet performed his Fardh Hajj perform Hajj-Badal? If he does, will he be absolved of his Fardh Hajj?

A person left a bequest for Haj to be performed on his behalf, after death, when the will was being executed it was found that Haj was more than 1/3 of that persons wealth. will that person be regarded as sinful?

Alhumdllah I’m Hanfi, I been told by salafi that it is not right to fully answer salam to Bidati/innovaor as per ibn Baz shaikh. Is that true we shouldn’t we only say them wa alikum instead of walakum asslm wr wb?.

I would be highly appreciated if you could advise the SUNNAH of covering the Head (CAP/TOPPI) in prayer and normal life as well.

I wish to know is it alright to read from the Quran while holding it in hands and lead the Taraweh salah?..What is the ruling about the people who stand behind the imam and hold the Quran in their hands, like in the Haramin and Sharifain? Is it allowed?

I have a policy for the duration of 10 years, a montly debit order is put into this policy…my question is concerning zakaat on this amount, will i have to pay yearly on what ever that amount is at the time when zakaat is due or can i pay after the 10 years are up?

Suppose I masturbate or had sex with wife during the night time in Ramsan. Do I need to have bath before subhi(dawn)?..If i enter to fasting without taking a bath wheather that fasting is valid?

Fasting more than 30 days due to Travelling.

Please explain to me what the role of the Ulama Council is in marital problems?