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When do I not have to reply to somebody’s salaam?

Is it permissible to wrap myself with a blanket whilst in the state of Ihram?

How shall I spend my day in Makkah and Madinah?

Is Udhiyyah/Qurbani necessary for children?

On which hand should I wear my watch?

Can an Aqiqah share be combined with Qurbani shares in a cow?

Is contraception permissible in Islam?

Is it necessary to distribute the Qurbani meat?

What do I do if I failed to perform Qurbani despite being wajib upon me?

Indexation, Inflation and Investing in NS&I Index Linked Certificates

Is it permissible to repay a loan in a foreign currency?

Is it permissible for a person wearing a urine catheter to enter a Masjid?

Is it Permissible To Operate an Agency Business For Hajj al-Badl (Hajj by proxy)?

Is it permissible for the newlywed couple to be intimate before Rukhsati and moving in with another?

Does the breaking of Wudhu during Ghusl necessitate restarting Ghusl?