Can you give me a dua to become an expert driver and is there a dua to pass the test?
One should supplicate to Allah Subhanhu Wata’lah in abundance, especially after every namaz. One should also make istighfar (seeking forgiveness from Allah) in abundance, and pray durod sharif regularly.
Before taking any kind of test, pray:
- Suarh Yaseen (22/23rd para, page 611)
- Surah Qalam (29th para, page 790)
- And pray two-rak’ats salat ul hajat
and supplicate towards Allah. InshaAllah, Allah will make everything swift and easy. There is a hadeeth regarding surah Yaseen that whosoever prays it at the beginning of each day Allah will fulfil all his permissible intentions and necessities of that day.
If you are going for a driving test then pray surah quraish (30th para, page 845), InshaAllah you will be relieved of all anxieties and nervousness and you will be at ease while driving.
Omair, Student of Darul Ifta. Checked and approved by Shaykh Abdur Raheem Sahib.