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Is it permissible to prevent from having more children?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by ShariahBoard.org

Please tell me if it permissible to prevent from having more children (meaning upbringing)? Can we chat with a non-mahram like a true brother if she accepts me as a true brother.

Is it permissible to prevent from having more children?
If it is a temporary step taken to stop the conception of children then it is permissible; but to take permanent measures to stop someone from getting pregnant is not allowed. To make a non-mahram man or woman one’s brother or sister does not make him or her so. Mutual understanding between a couple (that you are like my brother, or that I am like your sister) does not change blood relationships nor can it be a means of establishing legal relationships.  That’s why, chatting is not allowed.

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This answer was collected from Shariahboard.org. It was established under the supervision of the eminent faqih of our era, Hazrat Shah Mufti Mohammed Navalur Rahman damat barakatuhum.

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