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Rules of hunting

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by ShariahBoard.org

If a person says BISMILLAH HIRREHMAA NIRRAHEEM and throws a knife or any other tool at an animal in order to hunt it and eat it, then after catching the animal if it is still alive does the person have to slaughter it or he can just wait for the animal to die . Please give all the necessary ahkaam of hunting (like if somebody did not say tasmia, or can he say BISMILLAH ALLAHU AHAD instead of BISMILLAH ALLAHU AKBAR, or is it OK to hunt with a gun, etc,.).

Rules of hunting
If the animal is found alive after hunting then it is mandatory to slaughter it properly. If it is not found alive, then if that arrow was sent after saying Bismillah on it, it will be OK. But in other weapons and tools (such as guns etc.) there is a disagreement amongst the scholars. If that bullet burns the skin and the flesh which it has passed through after piercing the body then all the blood has not flown from that area. That’s why there is a group of scholars that don’t consider an animal in this condition as permissible. I will have to do further research on this topic. But if it just makes a hole in the body and wounds the animal and does not burn the flesh then it may be OK to just say Bismillah before firing the gun. Also, it is not necessary to say Bismillah Allahoo Akbar or Bismillah Hirrahmaan nirraheem completely. If someone just says Bismillah then the goal can be accomplished; i.e. just by saying Bismillah the animal was still be considered permissible to eat.

Original Source Link (from Way Back Machine archive)

This answer was collected from Shariahboard.org. It was established under the supervision of the eminent faqih of our era, Hazrat Shah Mufti Mohammed Navalur Rahman damat barakatuhum.

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