Q: My husband and I are seperated and he sent a letter that states that if I sign this than only divorce will go throught.i als have a 2 year old girl.
1. In that letter it states that once a month on weekend he is allowd to take my daughter and from fri to Sunday. My daughter is too small and doesn’t leave my side. islamically is this allowed?
2. Do I have to pay half of my childs needs including education food etc?
3. In the list of what was mine in the house its not complete and there is no mention of the mehr. Is he allowed to keep the mehr?
1. He is allowed to see his child in your presence.
2. Basic needs like food, clothing, shelter, etc. is the husband’s responsibility. It is the husband’s duty that he pays for the child’s islamic education as well.
3. The mahr is the right of the wife. She has all the right to demand the mahr.
And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
Answered by:
Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)