A lot of people insults some of the Ulama on the basis that they are not good scholars, like Malana Fazlurahman.
الجواب حامدا و مصلیا
One should bear in mind that it is not proper for a common person, who doesn’t know much about the Shari’ah, nor is he very aware about political matters, to claim that the conduct of such and such scholar is not appropriate. Furthermore, it is also not permissible for him to use this as a reason to insult other scholars. This is indeed something very dangerous. The scholars have expressed the fear of disbelief of the one who bears hate for the Ulama for no reason. This is why the general mass should not debase any scholar of Deen, whether Maulana Fazlurahman, or any other scholar, based on political or personal differences, otherwise, such conduct may result in very bad consequences.