If the pigeon dies in a water tank, then what will be the ruling of the Shari’ah regarding this? Will we have to repeat 3 days of Salah? The details of the water tank is as follows: length: 30ft, width: 12ft, depth: 10ft.
الجواب حامدا و مصلیا
Based on the size of the tank, it can be understood that the water in the tank falls under the law of Mae-Katheer (ماءِ کثیر). Therefore, if the color, smell or taste of the water doesn’t change after the death of the pigeon, then the water will still be considered pure, and all of the Salah performed after performing Wuzu with this water will be valid and there will be no need to repeat it. But if there were any change in the color, smell or taste of the water (i.e. after the pigeon had died in the water), and one is aware of the time when the pigeon had died in it, then it will be incumbent to again perform all of the Salah performed after making Wuzu with this water after the time the pigeon had died. However, if one is not aware of how long ago the pigeon had died, he will repeat only one day of Salah if he finds that its (i.e. the dead pigeon) body has not already started bloating or decomposing when removing it from the water. If it had already started bloating or decomposing, then he will repeat three days of Salah.