Q. I would like to know if there is any fazilat of reciting Ayat no. 77 of Surah Qasas. Also at what time are we supposed to recite Surah Mulk, Surah Sajda and Surah Al-Waqiyah? Is it after Isha or Maghrib salaat? Please provide reference if it is possible.
A. Besides the great virtue of being a verse of the Holy Quran, we do not know of any other specific virtue of verse 77 of Sura Al Qasas.
With respect to Sura Mulk, this should be recited at night preferably after Isha Salaah. Sura Sajda and Waqia’h also can be also be read at the same time also (that is, after Isha Salaah).
With respect to Sura Mulk, Abu Hurairah (RA) narrates that the Prophet (SA) said, ‘There is a Surah of the Quran comprising of thirty verses (that is, Sura Mulk) which will interceded for its reciter until he was forgiven’ (Tirmizi, Ibn Hibban).
Abdullah bin Abbas (RA) narrated that the Prophet (SA) said, ‘Surah Mulk protects its reciter from the punishment of the grave’. (Tirmizi). In the narration of Nasai, it is stated that the Prophet (SA) said, ‘Whoever recites it (Surah Mulk) at night, it will protect him from the punishment of the grave’ (Nasai).
With respect to the virtues of Sura Waqiah, Abdullah bin Masood (RA) said, ‘I heard the Prophet (SA) saying, ‘Whoever recites Sura Al Waqiah at night, poverty (hunger) will never touch him’ (Ibn Askir-Tafseer Ibn Katheer).
With regards to Sura Sajdah, Jabir (RA) narrates that the Prophet (SA) did not go to sleep at night until he recited Alif Laam Meem Tanzeel (Sura Sajdah) and Sura Mulk. (Tirmizi).
And Allah knows best.
Mufti Waseem Khan