Please answer me. Can I pray salah on the seat of metro (underground rail), and on the seat while traveling in plane without wudhu with tayammum or go for qaza of salah. Please reply I am so confused in this matter.
(Fatwa: 555/449/B=1434)
(1) Be prepared for salah and keep on viewing your watch. Have wudhu before the time of salah starts and in case you do not know Qiblah you should do taharri i.e. determine Qiblah by your heart and offer salah to the direction where your heart tends.
(2) In case you offer salah standing you feel dizzy or you fear to fall down then you may offer salah sitting. If there is water available in latrine then it is necessary to perform wudhu otherwise tayammum shall suffice. It is not lawful to miss salah.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband