As-Salam-Alkum as i work in BPO. my company provide coffee & tea in the company permises. My question is If I drink that coffee or tea, is it Halal for me or not? I do not have to pay for the coffee or tea. though I can go outside and take. My other question is Can I share food with non-muslim. when He purchuases food I eat with him. When I purchase food He eats with me. Is the food which is purchases by his money is halal or haram for me.
(Fatwa: 533/533=M/1430)
(1) If the company allows, you can drink as much as it allows.
(2) If some haram and impure ingredient is not included in the food of non-Muslim friend then there is no wrong to eat with him sometime out of morality. But, you should not make it a habit and avoid having close friendship and relations.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband