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How can I help my husband practice Islam willingly, and what does two talaqs mean?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Darulifta-Deoband.com
Assalaam Alyakum Wa Rahmatullahe Wa Barakatahu I am a revert to Islam for 7 years at the time i was Ghair Muqallid and i married a G.M…..2 years have passed and AlhamduLILLAH i am a practicing muslim i read 5 times salat, i wear nikab i stay away from men… the problem is my husband does not practise free willingly and i tell him not to take out interest loans and he listens but when his mother tell him to do something which is wrong he listens…what should i do. Allah means more to me than my husband. Also over 2 years ago my husband pronounced talaq two times (talaq…talaq)in one go over the phone and i heard him…..what does this mean. I have tried bettering myself so i can help educate them(his mother…little sisters) but all i get is abuse…..so now i stay away….i am sinful and are scared for my Akhirat please help advise me as ai have no family. wasalaam


(Fatwa: 911/H=185/TH)

(1) You should calmly make your husband understand now and then at any suitable occasion. It is better for you. It is a welcome step that you think of making your life hereafter better. May you make progress day by day, receive goodness and blessings in both the worlds and may you be safe from all abominations. Amen!

(2) If the husband concedes to have given two divorces over the phone, then both the talaqs took place. In future, he has the right to give only one divorce i.e. if he unfortunately pronounces one more divorce any time, then she will be haram for him and will absolutely come out of his nikah. You may marry him second time after passing Iddah (waiting period). You should coolly tell your husband about this. And also, the moment your husband, mother-in-law and or sister-in-law (sister of husband) mistreat you, you  should make them understand with calmness and,  to your best,  help them in educational matters and others as well. In-sha-Allah, the conditions will go in your favour.

Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best

Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband

This answer was collected from the official ifta website of Darul Uloom Deoband in India.