You have already given your answer to my question in fatwa number 1871, regarding the sucking of genitals. but my husband refuses to believe this, & i’m forced into this act. He insists it’s not written anywhere in Sahih Bukhari or Muslim, and is probably a zaeef hadith. Can you please give me the exact hadith with the number so that i can show it to him? thank you.
(Fatwa: 1056/891=B/1429)
This is proved neither from a sahih hadith nor from a za?eef hadith. It is animalistic and shamelessness. Hazrat Aaishah says that neither she nor he (the Prophet) had seen the private parts of each other. (ابن ماجۃ: 1380، باب الستر عند الجماع)
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband