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Is praying at ashabe suffah shirk or sunnah?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Darulifta-Deoband.com
One of my Muslim friends who is a good practicing Muslim said that to pray on ashabe suffah is shirk. I told him it is not shirk but he asks me about hadith. (1) Is it shirk or sunnah or neither shirk nor sunnah? (2) Give me hadith about that? (3) Give me hadith about mehrab tahajjud. In which hadith it is stated that the holy Prophet (saw) prayed at mehrab tahajjud. (4) Please give me the reason why praying at ashabe suffah does not contradict this hadith. Hadith states Sahih Muslim Volume 2, Book 23, Number 414, Narrated ‘Urwa: Aisha (RA) said, “The Prophet (saw) in his fatal illness said, ‘Allah cursed the Jews and the Christians because they took the graves of their Prophets as places for praying.”


(Fatwa: 296/242/B=1433)

The Suffah is a holy and sacred place. No hadith mentions any special virtue in offering nafl salah there. People offer two rakah nafl salah and supplicate there to seek blessings. It is ignorance to say it shirk. You should study the hadith in which hadith it has been mentioned that it is shirk to offer salah in suffah. What has been mentioned in the hadith of Muslim Sharif it is regarding Jews and Christians that they made the graves of their Prophets a place of worship. There is another Hadith regarding out Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم):
لا تجعلوا قبري عيدا.
Alhamdulillah, it has been practiced till today that no one made the grave of holy Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) a place of worship. Suffah is a separate place in some other side from the grave of the holy Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم). It is ignorance to consider offering salah at Suffah like of that offering at the holy grave of the holy Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم). One should not pay any attention towards the words of such ignorant people.

Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best

Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband

This answer was collected from the official ifta website of Darul Uloom Deoband in India.

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