As-salamualaikum Hazrath, I am asking this question on behalf of my friend who is shy to ask. My friend has the habit of mastrubation. recently he has taken Ba’ait from a Sheikh of Naqshbandia silsila. He tried to give up the habit to his best. But ofter reading an online qa website, in which it was mentioned that, according to Hanaffi Scholars it is permissible to mastrubate if 1)a person is unmarried. 2)if he is afraid of comitting Zina, 3)to release sexual tension . So he comitted mastrubation because he was unable to control. Please tell 1) if the above mentioned conditions are true? 2) Is his Ba’ait ( baya ) broken or came to an end? Kindly advice regarding this……. Looking for your reply at the Earliest…. Wassalam……
(Fatwa: 674/496=L/1430)
As per the Shariah, masturbation is unlawful. But if a person fears to involve in adultery and he avoids adultery by doing masturbation, it is hopeful that he will not be punished for the same. Masturbation cannot be allowed in order to relieve sexual desire and tension.
(2) The bai?at did not come to an end, but he should repent to Allah and seek His forgiveness; since by committing sin the bai?at will not yield required benefits.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband