Assalamualaikum Q)When praying salah a person stands on a napak place but does sajdah on a paak place is salah valid? Q)2-One condition for salah to be valid is the place should be paak, does this mean the place where the person is standing or the place where he does sajda should be paak? please provide answer with reference.
(Fatwa: 262/64=TL/1430)
Taharah of place means the place where one stands for salah and the places where sajdah is performed (along with the place where hands and knees are put while doing sajdah) should be tahir (clean):
ومکانہ أي موضع قدمیہ أو إحداھما إن رفع الأخری وموضع سجودہ اتفاقاً في الأصح (شامي 2:74)
So, if anyone stands at unclean place and performs sajdah at clean place, his salah will not be valid.
Allah (Subhana Wa Ta’ala) knows Best
Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband