A female has continuous discharge, but its form changes throughout her period of cleanliness.
A thick, mucous type of discharge appears immediately after haidh. Majority of it is clear but a slight green/yellow undertone can be seen on a liner. After about a week, the discharge thins and remains thin until the next haidh period. However, the discharge throughout her entire period of cleanliness has a slight yellow undertone, which is usually not visible on the body/when wiped with a tissue, but only on a liner.
Would the ruling change for the different types? If so, when exactly would it change?
Since this discharge is not visible when wiped with a tissue and a slight undertone is noticed only on a liner, it should be regarded as a discharge and not bleeding.
In this case, it will only nullify one’s Wudhu, irrespective of colour. With regards to the difficulty in keeping one’s clothes clean and preventing stains, one may simply use thin liners in order to prevent the stains as the stains are impure. Therefore, if this is a continuous problem and it is difficult to continuously change one’s clothes or ascertain when the discharge occurred, then a woman may use tampons. When the tampon is inserted, it will help to block off the discharge.
Since the discharge will not flow out or appear on the outside but will merely be on the inner portion of the tampon, it will not nullify one’s Wudhu and not make one’s undergarment impure.
The yellowish discharge noticed after completion of one’s Haidh does not fall in the category of Haidh as this has been noticed after the lapse of her normal habit.
Checked and Approved By:
Mufti Muhammed Saeed Motara Saheb D.B.
إمداد الفتاوى Pg:122-123/Vol:1
فتاوى دار العلوم زكرية Pg:734-735/Vol:1
وليس الصفرة والكدرة بعد العادة حيضا – – – – (الفقه الاسلامي Pg:458/Vol:1) وكان الشيخ ابو منصور الماتريدي مرة يقول فى الصفرة اذا راتها ابتداء فى زمان الحيض انها حيض واما اذا راتها فى زمان الهرر – واتصل ذلك بزمان الحيض (فانها لا تكون حيضا ) تاتارخانية Pg:328/Vol:1