Talaaq given in anger is valid and binding. (Raddul Muhtaar V10 P489). In your case, three Talaaqs have taken place and reconciliation is not possible without the process of Halaalah, which means you marrying another man after your Iddat, getting divorced from him, completing that Iddat of the second husband’s divorce and then coming back to the first husband. But this cannot be planned and orchestrated. It should happen naturally.Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Askmufti.co.za » I have been married for 10 years and my husband and I have been having many problems and one of them being another woman in our relationship. Due to the many problems we seperated and were living apart for over a year. I have been asking him for a divorce but he has refused. Then one day I went to visit his mother and found him there with another girl and I got very angry and asked him for talaq and he gave it to me. He said it three times in front of my father in law and sister in law. I took it as being a valid talaq. But he refuses to acknowledge it and says he said it under anger. Does the talaq still stands.
I have been married for 10 years and my husband and I have been having many problems and one of them being another woman in our relationship. Due to the many problems we seperated and were living apart for over a year. I have been asking him for a divorce but he has refused. Then one day I went to visit his mother and found him there with another girl and I got very angry and asked him for talaq and he gave it to me. He said it three times in front of my father in law and sister in law. I took it as being a valid talaq. But he refuses to acknowledge it and says he said it under anger. Does the talaq still stands.
Q: I have been married for 10 years and my husband and I have been having many problems and one of them being another woman in our relationship. Due to the many problems we seperated and were living apart for over a year. I have been asking him for a divorce but he has refused. Then one day I went to visit his mother and found him there with another girl and I got very angry and asked him for talaq and he gave it to me. He said it three times in front of my father in law and sister in law. I took it as being a valid talaq. But he refuses to acknowledge it and says he said it under anger. Does the talaq still stands.
Moulana Yusuf Laher
Checked and approved by: Mufti Siraj Desai