according to the hanafi madhab, the first salaam is wajib in Salaah. Now if you are a masbooq, when the Imaam completes salaah you will obviously stand up to complete the missed rak’aats. However sometimes due to lack of concentration, you do the first salaam with the Imaam, then you realise you’ve missed rak’aats and stand up, so now you do Sajdah sahwa. However is it true that Allama Shami has written in Rad Al Muhtar that if you KNOW the mas’ala that the first salaam is wajib, then your salaah becomes void if you do the first salaam with the Imaam accidentally?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullāhi wa barakātuh.
Respected brother,
‘Allāmah Shāmī does not state that if a masbūq is aware of the mas’alah and makes salām with the imām, even forgetfully or accidentally, the salāh becomes void.
There are two scenarios to this issue:
- The masbūq says salām with the imām despite remembering that he is a masbūq, either because he believes he must follow the imām in this act or for any other reason. In this case, his salāh is rendered void.
- The masbūq says salām with the imām because at the moment of doing so, he did not realise he was a masbūq. In this case, if he corrects himself by completing the salāh as soon as he remembers, his salāh is valid.
Hence, the ruling hinges on whether the masbūq remembers at the point of saying salām that he is a masbūq or not. If he remembers, and still says salām with the imām, the salāh is rendered invalid. If he does not remember, and forgetfully says salām with the imām, the salāh is valid. However, it should be noted that if he said salām after the imām, he must make sajda al-sahw.[1]
And Allah Ta‘ālā Knows Best
Zameelur Rahman
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.
[1] والمسبوق يسجد مع إمامه قيد بالسجود لأنه لا يتابعه فى السلام بل يسجد معه فيتشهد، فإذا سلم الإمام قال إلى القضاء، فإن سلم فإن كان عامدا فسدت وإلا لا. ولا سجود عليه إن سلم سهوا قبل الإمام ومعه. وإن سلم بعده لزم كونه منفردا، وأراد المعية المقارنة، وهو نادر الوقوع، كما في شرح المنية وفيه: ولو سلم على ظن أنه عليه أن يسلم فهو سلام عمد يمنع البناء (رد المحتار، ايج ايم سعيد، ج٢ ص٨٢؛ من الفتاوى المحمودية، ج٦ ص٥٥٠)
قال فى الدر: ولو سلم ساهيا إن بعد إمامه لزمه السهو وإلا لا. قال في رد المحتار: قيد به لأنه لو سلم مع الإمام على ظن أن عليه السلام معه فهو سلام عمد فتفسد كما فى البحر عن الظهيرية…وإن سلم معه أو قبله لايلزمه لأنه مقتد في هاتين الحالتين (رد المحتار، دار عالم الكتب، ج٢ ص٣٥٠)