Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Askimam.org » Assalam Wa Alaikum I got married in 2007. But after that married life was not sound. My wife is not much matured & understanding.Even though i tried to explain her helped

Assalam Wa Alaikum I got married in 2007. But after that married life was not sound. My wife is not much matured & understanding.Even though i tried to explain her helped

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

Dear Brother,

Assalam Wa Alaikum I got married in 2007. But after that married life was not sound. My wife is not much matured & understanding.Even though i tried to explain her helped her to know things better. Tried to be as gentle i i could. I am the only son for my parents who are old. My father has polio and has been operatd for his good leg also. He cannot go out of the house. My moher is also being ill regularly. I expected that my wife will uderstand this and will be part of my family. But unfortunately she was rude & arrogant with all of us. She was with her parents for almost 9-10 months due to issues in the family during her pregnancy. Alhamdollilah I got a baby girl which is 8 months old now. We bought my wife back in January 2010 after discussing the issues in Masjid with her senior relatives. After two months she again started the same issues and last 15 days ago she once again left the home. I explained her parents to make her understand and bring her back discussing the same with my parents. Unfornately 4 days ago during night her brother brought her forcefully to us and used many words for my family . Her brother abused me too and warned he will be doing anything to me and my family. He was shouting so much that all the neighbours gathered. I explained him to go back and talk on this later but he kept on abusing me & my parents & sister and used many unfortunate words due to which I also came into furious anger and said to him (my wife’s brother ) that I had left your sister & do want you want to do. I have even used the word “Talakh” few times ( may be 5-6 times) but this was in quarel with him (wife’s brother) and not with my wife and my wife had not heard this as she was not in that room. This was purely in quarell & anger going on with my wife’s brother.After this I am in real delima and stress that whether I have divorced my wife. I really do not want to leave her neither do she. In a circumstance of quarrel with my wife’s brother I have conveyed this to my brother in law.Having fear of Allah I do not want to do any wrong but at the same time I do not want any wrong to be happened to my wife & child. I request you to suggest me – 1. Whether my married relation is valid or not (in current scenario)? 2. What is the way out which will help me to save my relations without putting my wife & child in problerm? I desperately await your reply & feedback as my total life & relations are under test. Allah knows the best!!

Allah Hafiz, Muhammad Kazim Khan 91 9422277048


In the name of Allāh, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalāmu ῾alaykum wa Rahmatullāhi Wabarakātuh

The aspect of talāq is a very delicate one therefore; we need to know the exact words of talāq mentioned to determine a ruling.

And Allāh Ta῾āla Knows Best
Wassalāmu ῾alaykum 

Ml. Ebrahim Desai,
Student Dārul Iftā

Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Dārul Iftā, Madrasah In῾āmiyyah

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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