In my masjid some brothers whose native tongue is gujrati have a hard time pronouncing certain words in Arabic. They for example say zalamin instead of dhalamin or Wa Aquina Azabanar instead of Adhabanar. Or saying adhan like azan. Is this permissible. What should I do? When following an Imam in jammat, if one hasn?t finished making tashahud, should he finish before he rises to join the the imam back in the qiyam positon? During taraweeh prayers while the imam is making witr and you join him after you have make your isha prayer, should you make up any missed rakats in the witr? What is he has already perfomed 2 rakats? In the Hanafi mathhab witr is wajib what about some of Immam Abu Hanifa’s students, didn?t some hold the position that is a sunnah muakkadah? When teaching brothers who don’t follow Imam Abu Hanifa should we tell them they must pray witr even if their family follows Imam Malik? If you are performing the isha salat and instead of performing 4 rakats you rise for the fift, what should you do if you are the imam? What if you complete isha after 3 rakats and already salaam to the right and to the left? While leading a two jammat salat (me and another brother) what happens if I break wudu? Should I tell him to finish his salat nad follow him when I return from frsh wudu? Is it permissible to lead non moahram in jammat while there is no moahram present or any men?
Respected Brother-in-Islam
Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuhu
1) In principle, a person who is well versed in the quraan and is aware of the makhaarij (origination) of the letters should lead the congregation.However if another person makes the imaamat and his prononciation is incorrect, thus changing the meaning of the holy quraan such a person should not lead the congregation.
2) You should complete your tashahud then stand up and join the Imaam.
3) Yes,you should complete the missed rakaats of witr salaah,just as is in normal farz salaah.
4) Adhering to a paticular madhab is extremely important. People should be encouraged to follow thier own madhab and not skip from one madhab to another.Therefore they should be encouraged to peform witr according to their madhab.
5)In principle if you did not stand up completley for the fifth rakaat you may return to qaidah and complete the salaah by making sajda e sahw.However if you stood up completely then you should complete the fifth rakaat together adding a sixth rakaat and this salaah shall be considered as nafl{optionall} the farz of Esha salaah will have to be repeated (shaami)
6) If a persons makes salaam after 3 rakaats he shall have to repeat the salat.
7) Yes,you will have to perform wudhu and if he has not completed the salaah you must join him.
8) The presence of a Mahram is not a prerequisite for the validity of the Salaah of a woman behind the Imam. It is always advisable that a woman be accompanied by a Mahram.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai