AS, alhumdolillah I converted 2 Islam after marrying my husband. Mashallah we have been blessed with a beautiful daughter and I want 2 raise her with the best of my ability inshallah. When I 1st converted, I was told that I cannot drink from the same glass as my family as they are non muslim (hence do not eat halal etc) & therefore it would b haram 4 me to do this. I have not read any hadith or any other source to verify this. 1) Now that I have a child, I am worried that if she stays at my families home, she may put toys in her mouth that her non muslim cousins have also put in their mouths. I know that I am not supposed 2 break kinship (and don’t want 2) but don’t also want 2 do something like this that may b haram. I also don’t want 2 insist that this is wrong as I have not been able 2 verify it by any authentic source. Would this be bi?dah? Can u pls advise? 2)Also, would it b haram 4r my non-muslim parents 2 kiss my daughter on her lips due 2 this? I am very confused & do not want 2 cause any difficulties 4 the relationship of my daughter and my non-muslim family. My family love us all very much. 3)I know that it is recommended 2 read namaaz on time (as soon as it starts) however, the jamaat times 4 men is slightly later than the actual start of namaaz & yet it is recommended that men read in jamaat – why is jamaat time later & what would have greater benefits? 4) Can u pls tell me a dua 2 bring my family 2 Islam? Thank u 4 your help. May Allah reward u greatly.
1. It is permissible to use the containers and utensils of non-Muslims if they are washed. It is possible that non-Muslims may eat Haraam or drink Haraam. Therefore, it is not permissible to eat or drink from the same utensils as non-Muslim due to contamination with Haraam. The spit and saliva itself of a non-Muslim is not impure. If a non-Muslim drinks water from a utensil, and it is known that he did not drink any intoxicant just before that then it is permissible for a Muslim to drink from the utensil used by a non-Muslim. It is clear from this explanation that your child may play with the toys of their non-Muslim cousins, even if they licked the toy. Similarly, your non-Muslim relatives may also kiss your children. You are correct not to break family ties. That should be used as an opportunity to make da?awah to your non-Muslim relatives.
2. Congregational (Jamaah) Salaat of men is also during the recommended time. You may also perform your Salaat at that time.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai