we are planning to go abroad (plane distance) to my grandads house, but the problem is that we don’t have a mehram that is free to take us, so we were still going to go without a mehram, but then i knew that it is not allowed to travel without a mehram and didn’t want to displease allah. so then i started doing istikarah to ask from allah and i think it was my 8th day and i had a dream that we were getting ready to go to the airport and getting the passports ready, then my dad says that its just time for asr so first pray asr then we will leave, so i go over to my mum and sister to tell them to pray, when i get to them i see them praying, then i woke up from the dream. the reason we want to go to grandads is coz grandmas passed away and my grandads not well and lives on his on, so my mum wants to lookafter him and spend time with him. so does this dream mean that allah is pleased that we go or does it mean something else? JAZAKALLAH
Your desire to please Allah Ta’ala is commendable. Nabi [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] said, ?A women should not undertake a Shar’ee travel (88 kms or more) except with a Mahram.?
According to the Shari?ah, if your granddad’s home is 88 kms or more, you may undertake the journey only if you have a Mahram (one who is prohibited in marriage). The dream is a reflection of your thoughts of travel. The Istikhaara does not imply that you should undertake the journey without a Mahram. We suggest you look for a suitable Mahram to accompany you or request your granddad to come over to your place if he is in the position to do so.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai