?More regretful than that man is one who has amassed a huge wealth with labor but he has ruined it with alms and charitable deeds, has spent his youth and power in prayers but has considered no right for Ali Ibne Abitaleb (AS), has not deemed a position for him in Islam and has considered as superior those who were inferior to him in rank, who never ponder on the Imams and whenever they reasoned with the Quranic Verses or Hadiths, he would not accept, because he had gone astray. This person has the maximum regret. He enters the scene of the Day of Judgment while his charitable deeds have taken the shape of vipers biting him, and his prayers taking the shape of the angels, of Hell driving him to Hell.? * * ?He will say: Woe to me, was I not among the worshippers? Was I not among alms-givers? Was I not one who had no covetous eye on the wealth of people and their women? Why then I have been so much afflicted? ?He is said: O wretched one! Your deed will not benefit you, for you have ruined the greatest divine doctrine after belief in god and prophethood. You have not recognized the friend of Allah, Ali Ibne Abi Taleb (AS) as he deserved and you have given in to the enemy of God instead. If you had prayed from the beginning of the world to the end of it, if you had spent all the wealth of the world instead of these deeds, you would not have gained anything save becoming more aloof from God and getting nearer to His wrath.?
The contents of this article are completely contrary to the beliefs of the
Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaa and are completely baseless.
We should not visit such sites that contain the beliefs of the Baatil sects.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai