i just wanted to know that at times i get really lazy or tired and when someone asks me to do something i get really angry, but i still do it. and its usually my little sister who is 7 years younger than me. and some times its my mum. and later when im all cool down i get mad at myself for behavouing like i did. please can u tell me if there something i can do to stop taking my angar out on anyone. is there some kind of dua that can help me.
thank u so much.
It is important to know that you are young and it is your time to work. You cannot enjoy the comforts of life by sitting and being lazy. All the successful people of the material world reached this stage because of hard work. If you are lazy, how would support yourself and family when you grow up? Anger is the friend of Shaytaan. You are only allowed to become angry if the Laws of Allah are violated and flouted in front of you. Otherwise you cannot become angry. You are elder and ought to help and assist your younger brother. Be kind to him and show love and affection to him. He is your brother and you both are from the same mother. How would your parents feel when they see that you abuse him in that way? Since you are elder you do not have any right over him. Duas are not soloution to your problem. You will have to change yourself and act more responsibly. Take advice and guidance from your parents who are still around to guide you and assist you. Do not be arrogant as that will never take you anywhere. Humble yourself and show kindness to everybody at home and see how you will be loved by all. Rasulullah [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] said “whoever humbles himself for the pleasure of Allah, Allah will elevate him”.
And Allah Knows Best
Muhammed Zakariyya Desai
Student: Darul Ifta